Find The Best Salon For Permanent Makeup Near You

If you don’t have any experience with permanent make-up, you might feel overwhelmed when you start your search. Here are some questions to ask your artist when you search for Microblading or Eyebrow Tattoos, Eyeliner tattoos or Lip Blushing. These are the 3 most important questions to ask.
Questions to Ask Before You Choose Your Artist
1. Is it possible to see photos of your work?
Ask for a portfolio of your artist. Portfolios are proof of the artist’s ability to create beautiful images. You can judge the artist’s style and talent by looking at their portfolio. You should see the photo with the style you like. Ask to see photos with your hair color and skin type.
The artist must prove that they are an expert in choosing the right pigment for each client. Artists use pigments to create color. A pigment that is the same on two clients may look different depending on whether they have the right skin type and their skin tone. The art of choosing color is a science. Your artist should be familiar with their pigment line. A portfolio of top artists includes women of all ages, hair colors, and ethnicities. Because you have seen their photos and know exactly what you will get, you should feel confident in selecting your artist.
2. Where did your training take place?
It’s very easy to start a career as a permanent make-up artist in most parts of the world. Yes, that’s correct. You don’t need to have any artistic experience or formal training before opening a shop. We know it’s scary. They may need to be able to safely dispose of their tools and products, but they might not be able to be artists. When you have your permanent makeup done, you should feel comfortable. You can avoid bad permanent makeup jobs by making sure that your artist is properly trained.
Remember that choosing the right pigment color is a science. The art of choosing the right color is only one lesson an artist must learn before they can work with a client. These skills can only be learned through further training. These skills are not available to all artists at the same time. Some will just skip this education and work with clients to make quick money.
It is important to ask your artist where their training took place and when the last course was taken. Permanent makeup is a constantly evolving field. It is important to have the most recent training in order to stay current.
3. Do your testimonials and reviews have good reviews?
Look at the testimonials of their clients. When making your decision, word of mouth and recommendations from others is invaluable. They should have a good reputation if they’ve been in permanent makeup for a long time.
This post was written by Natali Roshau. Natali has over 10 years of experience as a lash artist and is the owner of Lash Addict Studio. Lash Addict Studio offers the best quality eyelash extensions in Saint Petersburg. In addition to being a lash artist, she also offers eyelash training certifying girls across the nation! Click here to learn more about the studio!